Monday 9 November 2020

Pet Day


                                                     Pet Day turned out to be a beautiful sunny day


                                                         Ellie showed off her "geep" (a cross between a goat and a sheep)

                                                        Aisling's showed off her goat. It liked butting the other goats.


                                                         Willam's cat enjoyed the fuss that was made over it.

                                                         Amy's goat was very cuddly .


                                                          Evelyn's goat was really soft to touch.


Monday 19 October 2020


                    This term the Pukeko Class will be investigating different patterns in maths. 

                                      We started last week by looking at shapes and colours

                                                  Ellie used 5 different colours in her pattern                                                

                                                    Ivy used the same shapes and 3 different colours.

                                                   Evelyn and Aisling used different shapes and 2 colours

                                                  Lots of collaboration going on to make a pattern.

                                                 Lots of concentration going on to make a pattern.


Monday 21 September 2020

Working collaboratively - we were so proud of our acheivement!


We did the puzzle "Cat in the Hat" together. It was quite a trick puzzle, but we worked together and persevered. We are very proud of what we achieved.

We also did a puzzle of a Fire Station and there were some tricky bits to it but we persevered together and succeeded in completing it. 

Sunday 2 August 2020

Buddy Reading - this is always a favourite activity each day!

                                    Katie and Ryan sharing their reading with each other!

                                  Blake and Ellie concentrating on listening to each other read!

                                   Evelyn supporting a younger student with her reading!

                                           Amy and Aisling sharing a moment!

Friday 17 July 2020

Learn, Create, Share - Week 11 / Term 2

The Chirpy Chicks sound for the week (Week 11)

          Blake you made some beautiful "ys" with play dough and practised them on the white board as            well!         

                          You found almost all the "ys" in this poem - well done Hazel-Grace!

                                The Rowdy Robins have been practising their sight words during week 11

              Great job Ryan and Taliah, I can see that you are learning to practise your some sight words.

The Singing Swallows practising to use the reading strategies during week 11

                      Well done Aisling, you are using all of your reading strategies successfully!

              The Hungry Hawks are learning to identify the characters and setting in their story.

                 Evelyn,  I liked the way you have identified the characters and setting in your story

Tuesday 26 May 2020



We spent Friday making ladybugs out of paper plates! There was great excitement and everyone was really focused on what they were doing.

The finished ladybugs! The students did a really good job putting all the parts together - well done Pukeko Class!

The ladybugs displayed in the classroom - the start of our Mini-beasts Unit!

Sunday 17 May 2020

Blake's Nana and Grandad came to visit!

I bet it was very special to see your Nana and Grandad again! Great job writing your story and drawing your picture Blake!

Sunday 10 May 2020

Joel practising expanded notation!

Well done Joel! You have done a lot of practising on expanded notation - I am very impressed with all the work you have been doing on your Maths!

Ellie and Charlie's yummy muffins

You did such a gear job reading out the recipe and how to make your muffins Ellie! I like the way Charlie is also there to help!

Sunday 3 May 2020

Katie's Handwriting

Great handwriting Katie! I can see that you have fitted your letters correctly and neatly in the lines!

Wednesday 29 April 2020

Evelyn's Anzac biscuits

Those Anzac biscuits look yummy Evelyn! Thank you for showing me how they turned out!

Sunday 26 April 2020

Ellie helps in the veggie garden!

Well done Ellie! I can see that you are a very keen gardener and I just love the way you know so many veggies that are growing in your garden! Thank you for showing me your veggie garden!

Sunday 19 April 2020

Getting ready to celebrate ANZAC Day - 25th April

Blake and his sister made these beautiful Poppies for Anzac Day during the online learning programme

Wednesday 11 March 2020

Term 1 2020 students

Our 2020Students in Ruma Pukeko
We had so much fun making our names with play dough at the beginning of the year